Upon placing an order, you will receive a verification call or SMS from our Customer Service Department to ensure order accuracy. Once your order has been confirmed, it will be sent to our warehouse for shipment. Please note, credit card payment processing can take up to 3 business days, depending on the accuracy of the information provided. If the item(s) in “Cash on Delivery” order are out of stock in our warehouse, then we will only ship the available article (s) and if the item(s) in “ MIGS (credit card)” order are out of stock in our warehouse, then we will take your advice for the replacement product (s). You will be informed via phone or email in case a shipment is delayed due to any given reason. Your order should be delivered within 2- 4 business days.
International shipping rates are calculated based on the destination and the weight of your shipment. Also, please ensure to check the DUTY charges (if any) of your shipment as the duty charges will be payable to the courier company at the time of the delivery. Estimate your shipping and duty charges by simply adding items to the shopping cart. Once your order has been approved and authorized by credit card processors, it is sent to our warehouse for shipment. Please note, credit card processing can take up to 3 business days depending on the accuracy of the information given to us by you. If the item(s) on your order are in-stock, they will be shipped as soon as possible from our warehouse. If the item(s) on your order are out of stock, , then we will take your advice for the replacement product (s). You will be informed via email in case the shipments gets delayed due to any given reason.
Please note that customs duties and clearance charges must be fulfilled by the customer.